Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The Earthlings

So intense. I just feel sort of... bad. Is all that violence really necessary? Perhaps to sustain our cheap meat hungry nation...

Yes, perhaps they show the worst of the worst, but that worst still occurs...and occurs daily behind the doors of those global meatmakers. The doc didn't even mention the human rights issues involved in the abuse of the workers that are occasionally enslaved in these corporate institutions.

Perhaps watching this with my 16 year old sister wasn't the best idea. She had a lot of good arguments for it tho...super analytical and majorly mature. When is the best time to expose someone to a particular reality? eesh.

Friday, March 04, 2011

if you'd like to follow me to London

my london blog

almost like london fog hey? funny thing, none of the coffee shops serve it here that i've seen.

searching for an apartment.

finding my way around the big city across the sea.

send lucky thoughts this way, please :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

it's been...


i have had so much going on...throwing papers around...verifying the need (or no need) for a visa...and reverifying it just to make sure... letters faxed there... important papers stored here... please don't get lost.
and yes, there's a new boy in town and we all know how much time that takes up... cooking.. talking... time. .time. time. . .

so here's what i've been up to...

i went to texas in december to visit my dearest friend heidi:

she's a dream.
she let me wear all her clothes.
and i met her darling new nephew
(unfortunately we didn't think to get a photo of he and i) :(

in between these adventures i've been quilting...and that's about it. if you were hoping that i'd be doing something more interesting, i apologize. i've spent a majority of my free hours these last couple months sitting on my attic floor bent over my machine with fabric in between my fingers. occasionally i'd be on the phone saying, "no no...i'm afraid i can't come out..i've got a lot of work to do here..." and here are the photos of my progress (and proof that being slightly antisocial isn't such a terrible thing) :

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


i've waited plenty to tell you this. mainly because it hasn't been til recently i was sure of it. and now i know.

i'm going to london.

i've bought my ticket.
i've paid for my place in the program.

i'm just working my ass off now so that i might be able to go out once in a while and see something the city has to offer.

in my head i'm thinking of maybe a quaint little room...one with a stove and a fridge so i can cook my meals in a quiet little place. i'm thinking that maybe i'll have a little space for either a potted garden or a backyard i can sneak some spinach plants into. one can hope, right?

apparently they have bikes at random stations across the city that i can use for free while i'm there. perhaps i'll be able to find one on craigslist or something.

i'd like to live in this little isthmus of an area....see how it has two large parks on both sides? and my school is just a couple miles to the right of it....near russell square.

am i asking too much? here's to hoping....

back to quilting...because before i leave i'd like to finish the quilt i've been working on for my parents. let's hope it turns out to look like something more than scraps!!