Saturday, November 22, 2014


i never even updated you that i've finished my BSN.

  • Volunteer in Africa : CHECK
  • Move to Oregon : half CHECK
  • Obtain my DTN @ LSHTM: CHECK
  • Finish my BSN: CHECK
  • Two years working in an ER: CHECK
5 year goals ALL (mostly) complete. (If you remember... the move to Oregon ended in my car getting stolen along with everything I owned stuffed inside...tragedy...but not really)

Here I am...STILL in Kentucky. Holed up with a fellow RN in the most beautiful home I've ever lived. Dating a gorgeous mountain man from CO who happens to be an ER rezzie alongside me. Who knew I'd actually find a man who likes vegetables, bikes, and mountains as much as I do.

I'm thinking of writing a novel.

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