Thursday, September 04, 2008

day dream...

it all seems so poetic...
sitting here in this little street corner cafe sipping a sweet mocha while i tap away at my computer watching cars and people pass the windows...the steam rolling from my drink and the music buzzing from the ceiling... i'm a nurse working at a major hospital and soon volunteering part time in this small town while going to school part time furthering my education... it has a strong allure of romance and mystery... a calm story which romance will upset and tragedy would displace... i imagine i'm the lady sitting outside and this is my break from my kids..sitting there with my newspaper and coffee.... i imagine i'm a part of the couple in the corner whose friendship is budding into love...i imagine i'm the student i am, the nurse i am trying to find peace in the turmoil, in the storm....i imagine what it looks like from the outside in.... mine is a story in its own... and i wonder where this novel is heading... i could write it myself... a fabulous doctor; creative, intelligent, and strong... falls in love with the selfless, passionate nurse who asks the patient as much about their families and hopes as their medical history and illnesses....they get married right away, finish school, and go about volunteering to help and love people for the rest of their lives.. it would go on with crazy stories about giving away houses and half of their incomes and adopting babies from all over the world... but then i come back to this place...where my coffee is getting cold and my paper is due on tuesday and work starts in 12 hours... and i have to ask the Lord to protect me from those things i think i want and lead me in the way where my ultimate story will have the opportunity to be played out....

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