now, for the most part, i'm a pretty casual dresser who loves to wear pretty baggy clothes and t-shirts... but homecoming occured this past weekend for our school and i was blessed to be able to take a part in it as he Freshman Attendant, so i thought it might be interesting to make a little least for a day. did a little make-up playing and primped up my hair.... no sweat... a little awkward though because...who am i to dress like a lady? and who am i to walk like a woman? ...for some reason, although i don't usually admit it, i enjoy putting on those feminine clothes which impress upon me to bounce with enthusiasm while i walk with purpose and sureity. odd enough, i think i can actually pull it off sometimes... and one of those times was this weekend, if i may say so myself...
homecoming was a definite brother as escort and i as the attendent walked pretty awkwardly onto the field...err..our feet didn't line up...but i really didn't think it was that big of a deal. then, in attempt to pull a smooth move, he caught me off guard and i, in attempt to follow him, ended up on the wrong side of him, so standing off to the side as other girls were announced...we had to switch. 1...2...3...go... it worked out okay...then we realized we weren't precisely at the position we thought we might supposed to be so 1...2...3... we backed up slowly and steadily....i'm sure out of nearly 1000 people not too many noticed us correcting our mistakes...
then it was on to the homecoming dance... in a new outfit of course consisting of silk maroon pants, black top, and cord jacket.... honestly, i felt perhaps a tad overdressed upon entry, however, as i walked through the flowing streamers that covered the doorway and witnessed the people giving way on the dance floor, the uneasiness left me and i began an attempt to find some recognizable faces.... the difficulty of this feat was tremendous, considering the entire gym was filled with a measly group of maybe two dozen people max.... after the extent of perhaps thirty seconds (amazingly) i found some friends and made some simple greetings; hellos, how are yous, hugs, etc..
as i stood amidst the rounds of socializing, i was soon approached by a friend of nearly a year who surprisingly had some something meaningful to say. not that he would be incapable of saying meaningul things...just that he me specifically. after a friendly hug and some light, friendly carresses, such as a squeeze of the hand, he confessed that he thoroughly enjoyed my presence on campus and priviledged me with being known as a "light of the world." i was unmistakably blessed by these words of encouragement and, in fact, a bit stunned. i really had nothing intelligent to say back, but made an effort ...pretty much failed... i'm not so good at those awkward moments where i know i should say something, but really don't have a clue what to say... but i did thank him and mentioned that it meant a lot that he would say such things... i'm hoping he got the idea... he sure does love the Lord a lot and i thoroughly enjoy talking to anyone who loves the would be an interesting venture if he allowed me into his thoughts of God....
the dance was not so pleasurable to me as i'm sure it was to some people. the vulgar secular music that blared hideously out of those speakers isn't usually the first on my preference list and, after discussing with a friend how compromising it is for us as christians to dance and play to something completely contrary to our beliefs, i took it upon myself to leave. there was really only one place that i knew i wanted to be at that moment and it was in the little chapel on my knees before my loving God... so off i ran, free and light in the chilly, quietness of the night.... i threw open the door, flipped on the lights..and as the door swung itself shut, i plunged myself to the foot of the cross.... peace...Complete Peace... the kind of peace i can only find in Christ... a flooding, overwhelming, wonderful peace that comes only when i am completely transparent with Him... but it was so relaxing...spending that time with Him as i would any other friend...
this day ends with the happy praiseful tunes of Blessed Be Your Name fading out into the background...stotrum for all the wonderous works He does...


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