i feel like i'm on the outskirts...i'm separated...but maybe right now i'm in the center of what's supposed to be going on in my life...like our lives make up these circles and sometimes our circle overlaps someone else's for a time... making a little variety...but no matter where we move or who we're near...our color exists at the base... and sometimes... we're meant to be on our own... so our one true color can shine through....
ok...i know..cornbusters... but i have to find some explanation for it...even if i have to make it up...otherwise i'm gonna either gonna end up feeling deserted...or i'll feel like a jerk because somehow i've managed to desert everyone else...
God, what the heck is your plan for me? ...i can't make these hard decisions on my own... i can't even decide what i want to do! well...i have an idea of what i would like, but... i can't see it happening... so... since plan b isn't exactly stable and well outlined....i'm not sure if i'm ready to set things in concrete.... maybe i'm scared. ush... hold my hand, Lord....