Monday, February 02, 2009


i'm still waiting for more...

i feel like something mossed over...something that needs unearthed.
...those kind of things just wait around.. they don't tell anyone to come and find them, but of course all they want is found.

so find me, won't you already?
find me...

you fill my heart with hope
my hands with purpose
my life with good and beautiful things
thank you for always finding me.


Dave Schipper said...

Stop typing, turn your hands around... you are nestled in the hands of a greater power... and loved.

will parker said...

hey, thanks for reading. it's cool that you found my blog when you needed it. glad you were encouraged :)

Dave Schipper said...

hey kid... that song is posted free over at link in the blog.

btw... I did add my iTunes link in the Gypsy Soul blog too... feel free to buy and buy and buy..


Thanks for stopping by.
