Sunday, February 01, 2009

citizen cope - sideways

these feelings won't go away
they keep knocking me sideways...

someone said once that someone said once :) that "music is what feeling sounds like"

i can't get over this song... it washes over me...moves me... 'knocks me sideways'

it's amazing how you can think back to times...even years ago and still feel what you felt... the joy, the shame....the comfort or the pain... the touch... the words..

life is so complex... there's so much that it offers... and so much that it's already taken away... i guess it all adds up to something beautiful...

it's just crazy how two people can have such radically different experiences... even if the come from similar places...or even the same place.

and one moment can offset what happens in all the decision can lead you down a path completely opposing all those you've taken before...

Lead me in the way of Righteousness, Oh Lord. You are my God, my Salvation, my Hope. Lead me in the way of Love, Oh Lord. I bow to you like the ice covered trees bow to the sun... melt this off of me. free me. let the light hit my roots again... thaw me out of these frozen chains... I want to know you more...

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