Tuesday, March 04, 2008


i'm not very good at them...
deciding what's non-urgent, urgent, and an emergency...
then there're those things that are so far gone you just might as well leave em for dead...
there are some things that don't matter what order you decide to do them in... just whatever you wanna do first: go for it. ...sometimes those can be crazy difficult because then you have to think how long each will take and who knows what will come through the door next... which do you want to have done already?
they're not just in nursing school...
i wish there was a sorter that life had to go through before it fell in my hands... and it would fall in order of importance, in order of vitality...
direction helps. is it possible to always have someone standing beside you gently guiding you in the minor tasks as well as the major?
it seems there's multiple areas in my life lacking direction. in fact, i would say the few priority areas of my life are lacking the most direction.
it's funny as much as i ache for adventure and the wild i ache for something constant and something sure....
and as much as i love the mystery of colors i still find attractive the assurance of black and white...

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